Interview w/ Jon Dwyer of Coachwhips, etc:


So bring us up to date on the status of your various projects..

Jon Dwyer: Ive been doing home recording fer years.Pink and Brown.
Landed and a ton of other shit that never put anything out..I don’t know if ive grown musically or just become more of a baby.

Coachwhips..still in motion, just recorded new record.

Zeigenbock Kopf..kaput but one last record cometh out sooner or later

What things musical and otherwise inspire you? You are still in SF, right?

San Fransisco is just good and my rent is meraculously cheap so i’m kinda trapped with not havin any money and all but shit aint there a lot of people makin stuff here..

Providence is my home town and I love that joint too similar in too many ways to list. Bo Didley,Iicky Boyfreinds..I like to see the Dipers and what else?? Souled American is pretty shit too friends bands.

driving music=La Machine
party music=Gories anything is pretty hot.
drug records+ i remember bein really blown away by can and Throbbing
Gristle when i took acid with the older kids when i was a teenager..
comin down=future days by can i think is pretty mellow and doesnt make
things feel so shitty for a second.

I am mostly inspired by the people around me..I know a lot of painters
here in SF and people who print or just do a mash of different shit besides
music..Val from Coachwhips does a double dutch crew called double
dutches and they can make ya feel all good when ya see em jump.

With everything that has been happening lately, has politics found its way into what you do?

How can you not be even slightly political right now? Shit seems like
it is crumbling around us everyday..and everyone knows it, if they say they
don’t then they are bullshiting..its really weird to sit there and read the
paper and think to yourself what are you gonna do about it..hard times, but
to answer yer question , no there really a’int to much politics in my
music, usually more about people i know and shit.

What’s next? Anything coming out soon? Tours?

Just recorded Hospitlas and Coachwhips ZK on the way and
always chipping away at recording home stuff, Coachwhips and the Hospitals are doing peel sessions in September and then some europe shit.