New Track: Eno & Hyde “Daddy’s Car”


Eno & Hyde are getting set to release their Someday World LP on May 6th via Warp Records. Today we listen to the album’s first single “Daddy’s Car.” Not quite our first listen in on this curious project that pairs Brian Eno and the Underworld’s Karl Hyde, as they previewed the LP back in early March by posting the record’s Kraut rock influenced opening track “The Satellites.” Eno describes the album as a collection of “beginnings” and “experiments” that he had lying around, which found new life when shared with the musician Karl Hyde.

The pair reworked the tracks over a month long period late in 2013 filling them out with fellow players like Fred Gibson, Don E, John Reynolds, Chris Vatalaro, and Marianna Champion, as on this deeply musical and polyrhythmic piece”Daddy’s Car.” Afro-beat influenced and using a combination of acoustic and programmed drums, this cut drops a kinetic funk before adding horns and choralled, harmonizing vocals…

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