Listen: Blackest Ever Black “Berlin Community Radio Mix February 2015”


Today, the outstanding avant label Blackest Ever Black takes us on a tour deep into the underground with this excellent mix for Berlin Community Radio. Featuring plenty of upcoming music from the label, the mix includes artists like Exploring Jezebel, Secret Boyfriend, Bremen, Shampoo Boy, Barnett + Coloccia, Jac Berrocal, David Fenech & Vincent Epplay, and Six Six Seconds–all artists looking forward to releases on BEB in 2015! With a running time close to two hours, the mix includes plenty of like-minded artists from off-label sources such as UK drone artist Richard Youngs, the duo Dva Damas, and short-lived post-punk act Division Four–before the mix takes a dub influenced left turn with tracks from musicians like Israel Vibration, Ashanti Wah, Purple Man & Bunny Lee, Louie Lepke, and more. Available for download, this excellent Blackest Ever Black mix is a very cool preview of things to come for the label, as well as a great listen in on it’s sonic psyche.

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