Listen: Nun “Terrormaze”

The Australian industrial synth outfit Nun released their debut s/t LP via HoZac Records this month, and it’s quite a frightening slab of radioactive terror-pop! The quartet formed in 2011 around a common love for bands like Throbbing Gristle, Christian Death, and Coil, as well as a penchant for horror masters like John Carpenter and David Cronenberg; and this corrosive mix of gothic, industrial, and sci-fi nihilism infects their work like a brain eating pathogen. Which means, if you’re anything like us, you know, the degenerate scum-bag type, you’re in for a real good time!
Today we give a listen to “Terrormaze“, a track which demonstrates the kind of damage this group can inflict even when operating from a more pop oriented mode. Irresistibly danceable rhythms hit that sweet spot where the body can’t help but spaz and jerk to the beat, while a minimal down-turned synth hook worms it’s way into the audio apparatus–displaying a similar ability to override the rational mind and induce deep rooted subconscious manifestations to take precedence. All this is presided over by Jenny Branagan‘s spectral vocal work, and she’s the perfect Sorceress to initiate you into the Dark Arts, but she will require nothing less than the submission of your Total Will.

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