Music News: Benjamin Finger to Release ‘Exit du Départ’ LP with Photobook Via Oscarson

Benjamin Finger Exit du Départ (oscarson)

2021 is quickly proving to be a busy year for the Norwegian-based musician Benjamin Finger. The artist is currently readying his LP Exit du Départ with an accompanying photo book entitled “Selected Mistakes 1997-2020” for release on April 17th via oscarson. The new long-form two-track effort follows up on the artist’s February release Auditory Colors, out now on the Italian label KrysaliSound. The album will be the sixteenth in Benjamin Finger’s quickly expanding catalog, and it finds the artist continuing to blend a host of genres into his always psychedelic music.

Exit du Départ is a meditative electronic journey. Following a stream of consciousness logic, the musician expertly weaves multiple sound sources into a continually evolving composition of chiming bells, percolating static, drifting found sound, wandering snippets of melody, and off-handed percussive elements. The result is an open experience where various sonic elements glide in and out of focus as the trip itself becomes a journey with no final destination in sight.

Benjamin Finger is also an accomplished filmmaker and photographer. Exit du Départ‘s photobook, “Selected Mistakes 1997-2020,” is an extraordinary collection of images from the artist. These photographs combine searing and dislocating visual effects with an eye for the complex patterns of form and extremes of emotional experience that accompany even the most mundane moments in time. Additionally, Benjamin Finger is a filmmaker, and his recent releases have been accompanied by videos shot by the artist on Super 8. Exit du Départ‘s title track’s condensed edit adds kaleidoscopic effects to film shot in Rome, Italy.

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