Watch: Little Trouble Kids “Medals & Scars”


Little Trouble Kids have an outstanding new video for the track “Medals & Scars“, which is off their 2014 LP Haunted Hearts. Featuring excellent use of stop motion animation, the characters and objects in the video were all drawn by the band’s Eline Adam, and once cut-out, with push-pins inserted for movable limbs, the story for “Medals and Scars” was photographed over a one week period by fellow band member Thomas Werbrouck. Composed of 7500 individual pictures, the video was later animated by Adam and Marjolein Hoornaert, and it’s stripped down visual language, which uses a 2-dimensional surface and paper cut-outs to maximum and emotive effect, is the perfect visual counterpart for the band’s minimalist, but always impactful, sonic approach! You can also check out Little Trouble Kids’ recent video for “Haunted Hearts” right here.

Medals & Scars – Little Trouble Kids

‘Medals & Scars’ from the album ‘Haunted Hearts’, a stop motion picture brought to you by little trouble kids.

7510 pictures were taken with a canon eos 5d mark ii to make this videoclip.


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