New Track: S “Vampires”

S “Vampires”

Seattle’s Jen Ghetto has signed with Hardly Art, and her project S will return on September 23rd with their Cool Choices LP. Formerly of the cities’ beloved chamber rock band Carissa’s Weird, Ghetto’s work as S has always had an unassuming and low-key feel to it. The singer/songwriter’s knack for off-handed, though emotionally charged self-revelation, can make each song an intimate adventure.

Cool Choices marks the first time that Ghetto has recorded with a full band since her days with CW. The new record was produced by Death Cab for Cutie’s Chris Walla at his Hall of Justice studios in Seattle. “Vampires” is the first single from the upcoming LP and it is currently available for FREE download from the Hardly Art Soundcloud embed above.

S will play live tomorrow night in Seattle at the Chop Suey, as well as embarking on a short West coast tour this coming October. Here are those dates…

07.02.14 – Seattle, WA – Chop Suey *
10.10.14 – Oakland, CA – 1-2-3-4 Go!
10.11.14 – Claremont, CA – KSPC at Claremont College
10.13.14 – Los Angeles, CA – The Smell
10.14.14 – San Louis Obispo, CA – Xroads
10.15.14 – Santa Cruz, CA – The Crepe Place
10.18.14 – Eugene, OR – The Boreal

* – w/ Web of Sunsets, Erik Blood, Finch Wolfe

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